3 Tips for Cleaning Cheesy Pots

Cheesy dish
Photo by Clark Douglas on Unsplash

Cheesy pots are a staple in many kitchens. Whether you’re making macaroni and cheese, a cheesy casserole, or fondue, cheese can be difficult to clean from pots and pans. The gooey and sticky texture of melted cheese can make cleaning a chore, but here are some tips and tricks to make the process easier and more efficient.

Letting It Cool

The first step in cleaning a cheesy pot is to let it cool down. Never try to clean a hot pot, as this can cause burns and injuries. Once the pot is cool, use a spatula or scraper to remove any large chunks of cheese. Then, fill the pot with hot water and let it soak for at least 30 minutes. This will help to loosen any remaining cheese and make it easier to clean.

Letting It Soak

After the pot has soaked, drain the water and add a small amount of dish soap. Use a sponge or soft-bristled brush to gently scrub the pot, focusing on the areas with the most cheese residue. If the cheese is particularly stubborn, you can add a little bit of baking soda to the dish soap for extra cleaning power.

Finishing It Off

Once the pot is clean, rinse it thoroughly with hot water and dry it with a clean towel. If there are any remaining cheese stains or odors, you can sprinkle some baking soda or white vinegar into the pot and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing again.