5 Most Exciting Countries for Foodies

Only lovers of food will understand the desire to travel to countries that have an amazing cuisine. If you are planning your next trip, check out the 5 most exciting countries for foodies.


France is without a doubt one of the best countries for foodies, so make sure you’ll check it out. Their sophisticated cuisine is all about interesting specialties, good wine, quality cheese, and surprising pairings. 


Spain is a heaven for foodies! If you are a huge food lover, this should be your next destination. From the tasty churros, fresh seafood, to the best sangria, this country has quite a diverse kitchen.


Everyone who loves Chinese food should try to visit one of the most exciting countries for foodies. There’s literally everything you can and cannot imagine in China. 

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糖醋里肌(Sweet and Sour Pork ) . 其實我以前很討厭吃糖醋,過甜過酸的菜不是我的愛,沒想到自己開始做了之後才發現~以前是被外面店家雷,原來糖醋那麼好吃!!!在這裡分享一下作法給大家!以後盡量會記得拍材料圖~分享做的過程一波~ . 題外話:我覺得這世界最好吃的糖醋醬是麥當勞的🤣🤣🤣 . 🍳作法 . 1️⃣小里肌肉250克切塊(先切成片用刀背拍斷筋再切塊)、紅椒、黃椒、青椒各半個斜切片(中間白白的要去掉),洋蔥1/4個橫切兩刀切片備用。 . 2️⃣里肌肉處理:以些許醬油、米酒、糖抓醃1-2小時,等肉把水份吸收後撒一點玉米粉抓均勻備用。 . 3️⃣低污染食物先下,起油鍋約120度,先把蔬菜類過油10秒起鍋備用;接著油溫拉高至150度,不要太高溫肉炸久水分逼出太多會太柴,把剛剛醃好的肉均勻上地瓜粉,炸約2-3分鐘(如後圖)呈盤。 . 4️⃣糖醋汁:白糖、白醋=1:1,番茄醬比例也是1,但不要跟其他醬料在一起,因為要炒過才會豔紅等等要先下。 . 5️⃣鍋燒熱下2大匙油,爆香蒜末下4大匙番茄醬,炒出艷紅色下各4大匙糖及醋的糖醋水,再加1大匙醬油進去增加鹹味跟醬色,整個湯水煮滾後勾一點薄芡,把剛剛炸好的食材放入,拌炒均勻略收汁即完成✌️ . 小知識📖 . 糖醋可依照個人喜好下醬料,新手建議把全部材料調成同一碗比較不會手忙腳亂,喜歡嗆一點的醋最後加,喜歡紅一點的番茄醬炒紅就先下肉炒,然後其他材料可減1/3使用~另外肉一定要抓醃,不然吃起來毫無味道唷~ . 炸東西的粉可以用地瓜粉、低筋麵粉、太白粉、玉米粉,沒什麼特殊限制開心就好,要用酥炸粉變成金黃色也是創新🤣我會用地瓜粉是因為顆粒比較粗炸起來比較好看😍 . #糖醋里肌 #糖醋 #里肌 #糖醋肉 #咕咾肉#Chinesefood#Sweetandsourpork #甘酸っぱい鶏肉 #料理写真 #デリスタグラマー #맛스타그램 #럽스타그램 #먹스타그램 #대창 #foodie #food #foodblogger #taste #delicious #cook #homemade #instagood #instafood #sweetandsour #大象中式料理

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The home of pasta, pizza, and risotto is ready to welcome you any day and any time. Italy is one of those places where you get the full experience. Interesting culture, history and amazing restaurants on every corner. 


Stunning Greece has so much more to offer than just the most breath-taking beaches. Their kitchen is all about fresh sea food, that is often cooked right in front of you.