Amazing Pasta Recipes That Will Make You Swear Off Eating Out Forever

Photo by Jakub Kapusnak on Unsplash

Because it tastes so darn good, people think a pasta dish is some complex procedure best left to the experts in Italy. Well, that’s just not true. You can become a pasta professional with five (yes, just five) ingredients.

Still confused? Don’t worry, let’s dive in and take a look. By the end of it all, you’ll never go out to eat again.

You’ll Feel Heavenly After Eating This

Angel hair pasta is the stuff of miracles. Why? Because it tastes amazing and a five-year-old can make it. We promised you pasta recipes with five ingredients, but this one uses just three.

So pick your favorite pasta sauce (either homemade or store bought), simmer it with some light cream cheese, boil your pasta and kablam!

You now have a mouth-watering meal fit for angels. As always, don’t forget the red wine.

This Is What Happens When You Combine The Two Best Ingredients

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Whoever thought to combine bacon and pasta is a sheer and utter genius. With those two ingredients alone you could live a happy life, but to spice things up, add three more.

It all starts off by whisking eggs and parmesan cheese in a small bowl. Then, cook some bacon in a skillet until brown and crispy (and don’t throw out that delicious fat!).

Add the garlic to your bacon, followed by your pasta and egg mixture. Toss it all up, garnish with some salt and pepper and serve to a lucky diner of your choice.

Simplify, Simplify

“Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify.” Henry David Thoreau couldn’t have said it any better and he would surely love this pasta with butter tomato sauce.

The simple secret to this dish is butter and garlic. By adding this mixture to your tomato sauce, you add a gentle creaminess that can’t be ignored.

If you want to get real fancy with it, throw some toasted breadcrumbs on top for a little crunch.

This Is Your New Favorite Salad

Whoa! Can you put pasta in a salad? You bet your bottom dollar you can. On top of it all, this recipe is nearly foolproof.

Essentially, just make a salad with some arugula, roasted red peppers, pesto and fresh mozzarella. Then add in your pasta (cooked of course,) mix it all up and you have a great dish to bring to a family picnic or, you know, just keep for yourself.

Make Spinach Great Again

Spinach has a bad reputation, but “they” say it’s a super food so you should eat it whenever possible. One way to sneak all those nutrients inside your body is with the old “Trojan horse technique.”

By hiding spinach in a big bowl of parmesan pasta, you won’t even know that slimy, green vegetable is in there.

All you need is some butter and garlic to make the sauce. Then, just mix that in with your pasta and spinach while garnishing it all with fresh Parmesan cheese, salt, and black pepper.

It’s easy, healthy (somewhat) and magically delicious.