Best Tips for Cooking Delicious Steak Indoors

Meat lovers will say that a good steak is only the one cooked on a grill. That is not completely true. You can still make the perfect steak indoors. All you need to do is follow the tips below.

Don’t Use Cold Meat

If you want to cook a delicious steak indoors you have to make sure that you’re not working with frozen meat. Take it out of the freezer some time before you start so that it’s on room temperature.

Seasoning is Important

Salt and pepper are key when preparing a steak anywhere. Season it before you start cooking the meat. It will really bring out the taste and make your meal much more delicious.

Use Oil

Don’t forget to cook it in oil. It doesn’t have to be too much, just a tiny bit. Also make sure that it’s heated you put the pieces of steak in the pan. Use medium high heat for the best experience.

Make Sure It’s Dry

You definitely want to avoid putting a wet steak in the warm oil. This can interfere with the cooking process. Dry it out right before you plan on cooking it. If you practice this tip, you’ll see that it’s a must for a delicious steak indoors.