Here’s How to Turn Potato Skins Into Delicious Fries

Potato skins
Photo by Eiliv Aceron on Unsplash

You might not think much of the potato skins on hand, but don’t be so quick to throw them away. This amazing recipe is a fun twist on classic fries and a great way to reduce food waste. Let’s jump in.

After peeling your potatoes for another recipe (like mashed potatoes or roasted potatoes), collect the leftover potato skins. Preheat your oven to 400°F.

Place the potato skins in a mixing bowl and drizzle them with olive oil. Season the skins with salt and any additional spices you like. Paprika, garlic powder, or a pinch of cayenne pepper are all great ideas.  

Toss the potato skins gently to evenly coat them with the olive oil and seasonings. Lay out the seasoned potato skins in a single layer on a baking sheet. 

Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes. After 15 minutes, start checking the potato skins. Use a fork or tongs to gently pick up one of the skins and see if it’s crispy. If it’s not quite there yet, leave them in the oven for a few more minutes.

Once the potato skin fries are golden and crispy, remove them from the oven. Let them cool for a minute and enjoy.