If You’re Not Happy with Your Chicken, You Might Be Making These Mistakes!

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Chicken is a great staple meat to cook, but if you’re not happy with the results you’ve been getting, check out this guide to see if you’re making some of these mistakes and how to remedy them!

Cooking Them Cold

If you’re pulling your chicken right out of the freezer and into the skillet, you’re not going to be happy with the results. This is because if the meat is super cold, getting the internal temperature of the meat will really take a while, and having you end up with unevenly cooked dry meat.

Instead, bringing any type of meat out of the fridge and letting it sit out until it’s room temperature will result in juicier, more evenly cooked meat.

Not Marinading

If you’re just salting and peppering your chicken right before you cook it, you’re not going to get a huge depth of flavor. When you marinade chicken, even for 30 minutes, so much flavor gets penetrated into the interior of the meat, making it much more flavorful.

Buying Boneless Skinless

Although buying chicken without the bone cooks faster, and skinless chicken is a little healthier, both of these things give the chicken a lot of flavors! So if you don’t mind sacrificing a little more time and a little extra — yet delicious — fat, go for bone in and skin on.