Learn How to Properly Use a Whipped Cream Dispenser

Known by many names around the world, a whipped cream dispenser or siphon is a device to pour in cream, or other liquids, in order to create beautifully light foams and mousses.

You’ll often see big chefs in fancy restaurants using them for both sweet and savory applications, and it’s actually really easy to use at home! Just follow these instructions and you’ll be on your way to five-star dining.


First, make sure your siphon and all its parts are clean. Take a fresh charger, which is cheap to buy, and place it into the node in the top of the canister. It should fit perfectly. You have to change the charger every time you use the siphon, because there’s only enough nitrogen gas for 1 liter of liquid.

Then, pour in whatever liquids you want to use for your foam. If you want to make simple whipped cream, just pour in heavy cream, confectioners’ sugar, and vanilla.

Secure the top of the siphon and add the piping tip to the handle of the tool.

Then, shake the contents of the bottle for at least 1-2 minutes, so the gas can cool the liquid and turn it into a slight solid.

Then, tilt the dispenser down as vertically as you can, and squeeze the handle to release the foam.