Make Tasty Pickle Juice Popsicles with This Easy Recipe

Photo by Reka Biro-Horvath on Unsplash

You finished your jar of pickles and are wondering what to do with that leftover pickle juice? First of all, don’t even think about throwing it away. Pickle juice can be used for all sorts of things, from making more pickles to our favorite; pickle juice popsicles.

Pickle juice pops might not seem like the most appetizing thing ever, but you won’t be able to get enough of them once you try them. They are refreshing, and you’ll enjoy the tangy flavor.

How to Make Pickle Juice Popsicles

To make pickle juice popsicles, you only need some pickle juice, some sugar, and popsicle molds. Additionally, you can get some lemonade and pickle chips if you want to mix things up.

Pour your pickle juice into a jug and add plain white sugar. You want to use one tablespoon of sugar for every two pickle juice cups. Mix it well, pour it into popsicle molds, add sticks, and freeze for five hours. That’s it.

If you want to try different variations of the pickle juice pops, you can also mix equal parts of pickle juice and lemonade. Also, add a few pickle chips to the mold before pouring in the mixture for a surprise when you come to the center of the popsicle.