Should You Be Buying Meal Kits?

Photo by Elli O. on Unsplash

Meal kits are available in many stores and they definitely are tempting. They have everything you need to cook a delicious meal at home without forgetting to buy something or throwing out the excess ingredients. They became crazy popular in the past few years, but are they really such a good deal?

The meal kit service is about more than just food. It’s a great way to help customers feel like chefs who are in control of their food, preparing their meals from scratch. Customers can get their meal kits delivered in the form of a subscription box or buy them in supermarkets. There’s no denying they are convenient but are the customers paying too much for their food when they buy meal kits?

The prices vary, but what you can usually count on getting enough ingredients for a two-person meal for around $20. If you count on meal kits for the majority of your meals, you will end up paying much more than if you’d just go on a regular supermarket shopping spree.

We don’t say you shouldn’t try them; they may end up being just the thing you need. But if your goal is to save money and cook homemade food, meal kits may not be the best tool to achieve that.