Simple and Delicious Miso Soup Recipe

Miso soup
Photo by Dan DeAlmeida on Unsplash

Miso soup is a staple in Japanese cuisine. This simple recipe will bring the essence of traditional Japanese flavors into your kitchen. It’s perfect as a starter, a quick lunch, or a comforting dinner accompaniment.


  • 4 cups of water
  • 2 teaspoons dashi granules (Japanese soup stock)
  • 3 tablespoons miso paste 
  • 1 block of silken tofu
  • 1 cup of seaweed (wakame)
  • 2 green onions
  • Optional: mushrooms, diced soft vegetables, chicken or fish cubes


  1. Begin by preparing all the ingredients. If you’re using dried wakame, soak it in water for about 5 minutes. Drain and set aside. Cut the tofu into cubes and chop the green onions.
  2. In a medium-sized pot, bring the 4 cups of water to a simmer. Add the dashi granules and stir until dissolved.
  3. Add the tofu cubes and wakame to the pot. If you’re including any additional ingredients like mushrooms or vegetables, add them at this point. Let the soup simmer gently for a few minutes. 
  4. In a small bowl, take some of the warm dashi broth and mix it with the miso paste to dissolve. Once dissolved, add the miso mixture back into the pot.
  5. Turn off the heat just before the soup starts to boil post-adding the miso. Garnish with green onions and serve.