This Leafy Green Salad Will Keep You Feeling Fresh This Winter

Green salad
Photo by Nadine Primeau on Unsplash

If you’re eating a lot of heavy food this winter, you may want something to keep you feeling fresh. This leafy green salad is packed full of vitamins and minerals, as well as flavor. It can be adapted to suit your preferences, but here’s a template of this salad that you can take in your own direction.


  • Half of a lettuce
  • Half a cucumber
  • 3 scallions
  • A large handful of pumpkin seeds
  • A large handful of olives
  • A large handful of walnuts
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 cup of cheddar (optional)
  • 2 slices of crusty sourdough bread (optional)


  1. Shred up your lettuce and mix in a bowl along with your cucumber, which should be in small chunks. Chop up your olives and scallions into small slices and add them into the mix.
  2. Break up your walnuts with a pestle and mortar and add them into the bowl. Chuck in your pumpkin seeds as well and drizzle your olive oil into the salad.
  3. Crumble up your cheddar if you want it in there, and add to the mix. You can also cut your sourdough bread into small chunks and add it into your salad if you want it to be more filling. Your salad is ready to serve, but you can adapt it in any way and you will still have a great base for a healthy and delicious salad!