What is Injera?

Ethiopia is a rising star of the international food scene. A trending sight in many cities is the opening of Ethiopian restaurants, as more and more diners come to love and appreciate the uniqueness and wide variety of flavors that this cuisine offers.

If there is one word that you must know before trying Ethiopian food, it’s injera.

Any visitor to Ethiopia or diner at an Ethiopian restaurant will undoubtedly come into contact with this special bread, which is the centerpiece of any Ethiopian meal. What makes it so special, and why is it such a central piece of this country’s gastronomy?


Teff is a grain that grows in the Ethiopian Highlands and it’s the base for this delicious bread. The small grains of this plant, which are high in fiber and many minerals while being gluten-free, are mashed into flour and then added to water.

Fermentation is then triggered, and the dough sits for 2-3 days to create a slightly sour taste. Then, the injera is ready to be prepared.

Spread over a flat, circular griddle, injera is cooked and made into a bread with a spongy, absorbent texture.

Ethiopian stews, known as wat, are the most common thing to be eaten with injera. Made with lentils, chicken, or beef, they are spread on top of the bread and then eaten together with diners’ hands. 

It’s a unique way to enjoy a meal and something that makes Ethiopian food truly unique.