3 Favorite Breakfasts of Some of the Most Productive People in History

Photo by Gabriel Gurrola on Unsplash

How many times have you heard that you have to start your day with a good breakfast if you want to get a lot done? In the case of these historical figures, it’s true. Here’s what Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Queen Elizabeth I preferred for their first meal of the day.

Albert Einstein

Einstein is considered to be one of the most brilliant minds in history. He used to start his days with fried eggs more often than anything else. We learn about his habits from his housekeeper, as quoted in the book Einstein at Home: “Herr Professor always ate fried eggs, at least two. He would probably have eaten mushrooms three times a day.”

Thomas Edison

According to Mental Floss, Thomas Edison discovered apple dumplings in a New York restaurant one day, and they stayed his favorite breakfast.


Queen Elizabeth I

Queen Elizabeth I ate a breakfast worthy of a queen. She had fine bread, ale, and a beef or mutton pottage flavored with succory.