3 Ways to Quickly Ripen Avocados

Photo by Estúdio Bloom on Unsplash

Who doesn’t love avocados? Between guacamole and chips to avocado toast, we can’t get enough of them. But making sure they’re just ripe enough to mash, but not too ripe where they’re mushy and brown, requires a bit of patience and work. If you don’t have time to wait for avocados to ripen naturally, here are three ways to make it happen faster.

In a Paper Bag

To make avocados ripen quicker, put them in a paper bag like you would ripen bananas. These fruits produce ethylene gas which causes them to soften after they’re harvested. By placing avocados in a bag, you’re trapping the gas which speeds up the ripening process. Even still, this will take three to four days, but keep an eye on them every day.

Pair With Other Fruit

Another paper bag trick is to place avocados in them with other fruits that produce ethylene gas like apples and bananas. The avocados should be ripe within one to two days.

In a Bowl of Rice

Submerge the avocados in a bowl of uncooked rice to trap the ethylene gas and help them ripen quicker. This will trap moisture and the avocados will ripen with a few days.