5 Most Popular Comfort Foods

Photo by Nadya Spetnitskaya on Unsplash

Everyone needs a little help from delicious food once in a while. When you feel like there’s nothing that can make your day better, simply order a pizza. These are the top five most popular comfort foods in the world.


Whatever the problem is, pizza is the answer. If you ever feel down, disappointed or need a warm hug, pizza can give you the comfort that you need. This delicious meal makes everything better.


Literally, any type of pancakes will do the job. They are so versatile, that’s what makes them one of the best comfort foods in the world. Who needs to be sad when you can eat pancakes.

Mac & Cheese

Mac & cheese are done in only minutes but are so delicious you can feel the happiness in your belly. Forget about the worries in your life and prepare a warm mac & cheese meal.


French Toast & Tomato Soup

The classic, all-time favorite combo is among the most popular comfort foods in the world. Make them at home or order, either way, you will feel better.


They come in so many shapes and forms, and a single bite can make your day ten times better. If you ever feel like you need a mood boost, order a burrito.