A Step By Step Guide to the Perfect Caramelized Onions

Caramelized onions are the tastiest side to so many dishes. Add them to a hamburger, steak or a soup. They can be very tricky to cook, so we bring you tips that will help you out.

Choose the Right Skillet

There is no certain rule which type of skillet you should use, but it is definitely much easier to opt for a cast iron skillet. Don’t worry if the onions stick to the bottom, that’s the whole beauty of the cooking process. They will end up tasting much better.

Be Generous With Oil

Some people think their caramelized onions will be healthier when cooked with butter. Even if you are using butter you should still a little oil. Don’t spare, make sure to cover the bottom of the skillet with it.

Don’t Add Too Many

Don’t overload the skillet with onions. They will definitely shrink but you shouldn’t overfill it. The thing is that this vegetable tends to release water, which mixes with the oil or butter. That means it will take longer for the onions to be done.

Take Your Time

Cooking caramelized onions takes time. Don’t take them out too soon. Make sure they have a brown gold color, that means your delicious onions are done.