Check Out This Practical Ice Coffee Recipe For Daily Life

Ice coffee recipe
Photo by Demi DeHerrera on Unsplash

There are countless ice coffee recipes out there, but this one will help you out in a way that actually matters. When you’re at work, you don’t have time to mess around with fancy frills and foamy whipped cream. All you want is a strong cup of coffee that happens to also be super cold—and you don’t have much time to make it. Here’s how to get that done in a shockingly short period of time.

The Coffee Stage

The first thing you need to do is pour coffee into your mug. Make sure to only pour about one-third of the way into the cup. This works with both instant coffee and brewed coffee, depending on your preference. You should also add (and mix) sugar into the coffee at this juncture, because only now is the coffee hot enough to dissolve it.

The Ice and Milk Stage

Now it’s time to get your coffee nice and cold. Add a few ice cubes to the mug, but be cautious about how many ice cubes you’re adding. If you add too little, the coffee won’t get cold enough. If you add too many, the ice coffee will be too watery and there won’t be enough room for milk later. After you’ve added the ice, fill the rest of the cup with whichever milk you choose, and mix thoroughly. You’re done!