Cook Your Turkey Without Thawing Following These Steps

Photo by Alison Marras on Unsplash

Its holiday season and you may need to cook a turkey without thawing. Is it possible? Here are some steps you should try if you ever need to cook your turkey without thawing:

Manage your guest’s expectation

It takes a long time to cook a frozen turkey so you should get some snacks on standby. If possible, start the games early so they can be distracted until the food is ready.

For a turkey that weighs 14 to 18 pounds, which ordinarily require 4 hours of cooking, needs up to 6 hours in the oven as well as another 45 minutes of rest.

Modify the cooking time

If the turkey weighs more or less, you should modify the cooking time. Use a meat thermometer for this. However, you can also use a rough guide of figuring 1.5 times whatever the cooking time would have been.

Start cooking

Preheat the oven to 325 F. the temperature should be very low, so the turkey doesn’t burn on the outside before it cooks on the inside.

Line the roasting pan with some foil and place a roasting rack in it. Doing this ensures that the turkey remains above the drained liquid.

It may be better to set the wrapped turkey onto your rack and peel the wrapper off the turkey. Don’t handle the frozen turkey. In no time, your holiday dinner will be ready.