Four Advantages to Drinking Lots of Water in Summer

When the thermometers start to rise and the days get warm, it’s very easy to become dehydrated. Humans, on average, require about 64 ounces of liquid per day (through water or other forms) in order to stay healthy.

While it’s possible to get some liquids from other sources, such as soft drinks and fruit juices, water is truly the best and healthiest option for staying hydrated. Here are four advantages to keeping your water intake up during summer.


This one might seem obvious, but the amount of sweat that we produce in summer makes it all the more important to be diligent about drinking water. You need to keep your body’s moisture levels at an optimum level, especially in summer.

Brain Function

Losing water via sweat and evaporation can slow down your brain if you aren’t drinking enough water. It’s important to do so in order to be at peak mental capacity.

Staying Cool

Water serves to regulate body temperature. Drinking a cold glass of water in the summertime isn’t only refreshing, but it also reduces your risk of heatstroke.

Kidney Function

Water is essential for maintaining normal kidney function, so if you want to reduce your risk for kidney stones and other renal ailments in summer, be sure to keep drinking water!