Healthy Takeout Can Be a Thing! 4 Ways to Make It Happen

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels

Healthy eaters, this one’s for you: As much as we all like to be in full control of the ingredients going into our food, sometimes, life’s just too busy to cook; and that’s OK. Enter takeout! But… how do we continue to keep up with our health goals while eating it? Here are four ways to stay healthy while savoring the joy of takeout.

Analyze the Menu

Before you hit ‘order,’ decode the menu like it’s a full-on mystery and you’re Sherlock Holmes. Look for allies: grilled, steamed, or baked options. Choose dishes that are heavy on vegetables and lean proteins and stay away from deep-fried temptations if you’re trying to stay on the healthy side.

Wise Side-Dish Choices

Level up your side-dish game. Opting for nutrient-packed sides like salads, steamed vegetables, or quinoa is recommended. They not only help boost your health but also balance out your meals.

Build Your Own Sauce

Sauces can be extremely sneaky sugar bombs. If you want to keep things healthy, going for DIY and asking for sauces on the side should be your MO. This way, you can both better control flavors and avoid any hidden sugars.

Portion Control Magic

Takeout portions can be humongous. Like, feeding-2-adults-and-still-having-some-left kind of humongous. Practice portion control by sharing with others or saving half for later.