Expiration Dates: is the Ultimate Kitchen Myth Actually False?

Opening milk
Photo by Meruyert Gonullu on Pexels

Nothing like a good expiration-date panic: You’re about to pour some milk you’re your morning coffee or spread cream cheese on your evening toast, when suddenly, you notice they’ve expired two days ago. But… have they? It turns out that expiration dates aren’t exactly fortune tellers. Here’s how you know whether you can trust those numbers or not, and some tips on further extending the life of your food.

It’s a Date

Unlike what many people think, expiration dates are more like suggestions. They’re a guideline for peak freshness, not a death sentence. Use your senses—smell, look closely, and taste. If it smells okay and looks normal, you’re probably in the clear.

Understand Labels

Understanding labels is key. “Use by” has to do with freshness, while “sell by” is only meant for retailers. It’s not a countdown to the food apocalypse. Learn to understand the language, and you’re likely to save major amounts of food.

Proper Storage

Storing food correctly is a solution to so many things (some say it can even cure the blues). Keep your fridge and pantry well-organized. Cold storage helps slow the aging process, so your food has more shelf life than you think.

Common Sense

Last but not least, trust your instincts. In food, much like in love – if your gut says it’s off, it probably is. Our senses are the ultimate freshness detectors, and they rarely lead us astray.