Here Are Some Tips For Making Perfect Fried Eggs

Perfect fried eggs
Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

Despite being a simple and tasty dish, frying eggs can be frustrating if you don’t know the proper technique for doing so. Many breakfasts have been ruined in the past when cooks weren’t sure of the best technique for frying an egg. It’s important not to break the yolk and not to burn the egg white, but how can we be sure to do it correctly? Here are some tips.

Coat the Pan With Butter or Olive Oil

No matter what type of fried egg that you want to make, a crucial first step is to coat your pan with either butter or olive oil. This ensures that the egg won’t get stuck to the pan, an issue that has frustrated lots of people trying to make breakfast.

Don’t Flip the Egg

Believe it or not, fried eggs usually turn out better if you don’t flip them. Flipping can cause the yolk to break, ruining your eggs. Instead, cover the egg if you want to cook the yolk more thoroughly.

Lower the Heat

Don’t make fried eggs at a too-high temperature! While the pan should be hot to start out with, lower the temperature to medium-low while the egg cooks. This will allow the egg to cook thoroughly while not burning.