How to Make Cherry Tomato Tulips

Image via funwithculinary/Instagram

When you’ve had a busy day, but still want to have a healthy snack, you can make these tomato tulips. As soon as you’ve prepared all your ingredients, you just need about 15 minutes to assemble the dish.

To make these cherry tomato tulips, you need grape or cherry tomatoes, scallions, Boursin cheese, and buttermilk.


First, quarter the tomatoes partially by using a paring knife.

Then pierce a toothpick through the side of the tomato that remains intact. Then attach the scallion to the tomato by inserting it through the toothpick to serve as the tulip’s stem. Repeat this step with all the tomatoes and scallions you’ve prepared.

In a bowl, mix together the Boursin cheese and buttermilk until you have a creamy and smooth consistency. Place the mixture into a plastic bag and cut a small opening at one of the bag’s corners. Then gently fill the tomato with the cheese mixture to make it look like a tulip. You can either serve these immediately or refrigerate them for a couple of hours first.