Huge Health Benefits of Amla Berries

Amla berries, or also known as Indian gooseberries are a big thing in the health department. They are actually amazing for you, thanks to the numerous benefits they provide.

Better Heart Health

The chromium that is present in these berries helps with arteriosclerosis and improves heart health. This is very important for patients that have a history with heart problems. Strokes and heart attacks are mainly caused by arteriosclerosis.


Indian gooseberries are the perfect natural diuretic. This means that your body will be getting rid of all the toxins at a faster pace.

Help With Diabetes

Amla berries are very efficient in reducing the sugar spikes. Changing sugar levels are the biggest problem with diabetic patients, so thanks to Indian gooseberries these symptoms will be reduced.

Stronger Immune System

One of the health benefits that everyone needs. A stronger immune system will be able to fight all types of antigens that come from the outside. Amla berries contain high levels of vitamins and minerals which boost the immune system.

Better Skin

The anti-aging effects of Indian gooseberries are the thing that every lady wants to hear about. Thanks to the high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants these berries are great in keeping your skin young and glowing.