Infused Syrups Are Key if You Want to Add to Taste To Your Water!

Image via savoryevents/Instagram

Simple syrups are the best way to mix in sugar into cold drinks and have it actually dissolve. The formula is to mix equal parts of sugar and water in a saucepan, heat on medium until the sugar has just dissolved into the water. Once it’s dissolved, take it off of the heat source and you can use straight away or add in some amazing natural flavors! After the whole process, you can use the syrups for up to 4 weeks if stored in the fridge. Try out these flavors today!


Sage is normally used only in savory dishes and butter, but it is a beautiful flavor compliment to most cocktails, especially with fruits like blackberry and blueberry. Add fresh sage leaves into the pot of syrup and steep for at least 20 minutes, then add it to cocktails with fresh fruit juice, sparkling water, and gin.


Mint lemonade is something everyone likes. The mint has a cooling quality and the sweetness of the sugar tones down the acidity of the lemons and becomes something so delicious. An easy way to make it is by making a mint simple syrup so you can add it straight into a pitcher of lemon juice and water.