Kitchen Items You Need to Change Every Year

Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

A quality kitchen is made of great kitchen items. Some are a true investment, and others you have to replace every year (so don’t spend too much money on them).

Food Containers

Food containers can often have a strange smell, even if you wash them perfectly every single time. This smell means that you definitely have to buy new ones every year. If you notice that happening before that time period, feel free to replace them sooner.

Wooden Spoons

Just like food containers, wooden spoons can become smelly as well. Another thing to look out for is cracks in the spoons. These are the two signs that show you need to buy new ones.


A microplane is not a long-term investment. This is one of those kitchen items that last for about a year. After that period, the microplane will be dull.


Peelers are one of the most commonly used kitchen items. The first reason to replace them is the fact that the blades will not have the same quality as before. Another thing to think of, is that there are designs where you can simply only change the blade and get new ones every time you need to.