Four Perfect Fruit Combinations for your Next Smoothie

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Smoothies are a delicious and treat full of delicious fruit flavor.

While all smoothies start with a base of dairy (usually yogurt or ice cream) and ice, there are thousands of flavor combinations that you can make to create a delicious smoothie.

Here are four fruit combinations that you can add to your next smoothie to make a tasty, vitamin-packed treat.

Mango and Pineapple

These two tropical fruits go together perfectly in a smoothie. Mango provides a rich sweetness to the smoothie, while the tart addition of pineapple adds a tang to balance out the strong sweetness of the mango fruit.

Strawberry and Banana

A classic flavor combination, strawberry and banana combined to make a creamy and delicious combination that almost tastes more like a dessert than a normal fruit smoothie.

Blueberry, Raspberry, and Blackberry

Combining these three berries is the perfect way to make your smoothie delicious and healthy. Blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries are high in vitamins and antioxidants and are known as being superfoods. Not only are they flavorful, but they also add important health benefits.

Tangerine and Kiwi

This is probably the most unconventional fruit combination listed, but trust me when I say that it’s delicious. These two fruits are both tart and sweet, and the citrusy noted that the tangerine adds to the kiwi created the perfect balance of flavors.