Looking for Kids’ Lunch Box Inspirations? Check Out This Instagram!

Are you a parent who is looking for some inspiration to help brighten up your kids’ school lunches? Well, fear no more, because School Lunch Box is here to help save the day.

George is an Australian dad to two girls, Anela and Kiki, who has mastered the art of making school lunches. With his own form of “Bento Boxes,” a popular Japanese lunch art form, he has used his creative meal ideas to pack some of the most scrumptious-looking lunches for his daughters.

Utilizing a mix of fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, meat, and treats, George makes lunches that are surely the envy of all of his daughters’ classmates.

It might seem downright impossible to prepare a lunch for your children that is both appetizing and healthy, but School Lunch Box shows you how to do just that. The days of boring sandwiches and bags of chips are long gone as you will learn to create better, fresher, and more attractive lunches.

What are you waiting for? Find yourself a little bit of inspiration and become the biggest hit in the cafeteria with the fantastic tips that George offers up!