How to Make a Lasagna Garden

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Patricia Lanza learned to make gardens in the rocky soil of the Catskills without digging, weeding or tilling. She called it “lasagna gardening” and subsequently wrote a number of books on the subject.

Making a “lasagna garden” involves layering of organic materials to create a new garden bed.

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Alternating layers of green and brown material is best. The green layers are rich in nitrogen and the brown ones are rich in carbon. The green layers can include items such as grass clippings, tea bags, coffee grounds, fruit and vegetable scraps, seaweed and trimmings from your garden.

The brown layers are made up of items like shredded newspaper, fall leaves, straw, pine needles and peat moss.

Start by using three sheets of moistened newspaper. Cover it with compost, manure, or peat moss, and then begin layering the organic material over it. If you want to begin gardening immediately, you will need to add in several layers of compost.

If you only want to start planting in spring and are preparing the bed in the fall, the organic material has time to break down during the winter. The nutrient-rich soil is perfect for growing vegetables, flowers or herbs.