Not only Meat: Alternatives for Protein

Nuts tips
Image via Pexels

Nowadays, protein seems to be the superstar nutrient as it is more satisfying than carbohydrates or fats, which keeps you fuller for a longer time. Protein is also essential for repairing and building muscles and are therefore recommended to eat after a work-out.

The daily recommended dietary allowance is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram. So make the calculation of your weight. We say that for adult men and women it translates to 46 to 56 grams of protein each day.

Are you missing it? You don’t eat meat? There are some alternatives to protein you can add to your diet without eating meat.

Alternatives For Protein

Although the animal-based protein provides all the essential amino acids you need, you can certainly get enough protein from plant-based sources.

Here are 15 easy alternative ways to add protein to your diet:

1. 1 cup of Peanuts – 41 grams of Protein.
2. 1 cup Pumpkin Seeds – 39 grams
3. 1 cup Cheese (Mozzarella, Swiss) – 36 grams
4. 1 cup Low-Fat Cottage: 28 grams
5. 1 cup Oats – 26 grams
6. 1/2 cup Tofu – 22 grams
7. 1 cup White Beans – 19 grams
8. 1 cup Lentils – 18 grams
9. 1 cup Edamame – 17 grams
10. 1 Veggie Burger – 11 grams
11. 2 tbsp Peanut Butter – 9 grams
12. 1 cup Cooked Quinoa – 8 grams
13. 1 cup Skim Milk – 8 grams
14. 1 cup Soy Milk – 7 grams
15. 1 tbsp Miso – 2 grams