Peanut Butter, our Diet’s New Best Friend

Image via PiccoloNamek/Wikipedia

For some reasons, we all feel guilty when eating Peanut Butter on our piece of bread or on top of our oatmeal. But Peanut Butter is actually healthier than you might think.

Peanut butter is a paste made from ground dry roasted peanuts. Of course, sugar, salt, and additional ingredients are added, but this is not what turns Peanut Butter in an unhealthy or fattening spread.

When starting a diet, we all think that the first thing we should remove is these kinds of sweets. But Peanut Butter actually help you lose weight! With its combination of fiber and protein, it fills you up and makes you feel full for a longer period, which helps you eating less afterward. Result: Peanut Butter, if you eat it moderately, can become your diet’s best friend.

Peanut Butter has fat, but good fat!

Peanut Butter is full of monounsaturated fat, which has been concluded from studies to be better for diets than carbohydrates or saturated fat.

Not only is Peanut Butter very tasty, it is also healthy with its large amount of powerful antioxidant vitamin, magnesium and any other vitamins.

You could use Peanut Butter for sauces, straight off the spoon, in sandwiches or for any kind of desserts.