What’s Inside the Perfect Lunch Box for your child?

Image via getyoopi/Instagram

The perfect lunchbox is that lunchbox that your child, is opening at and gets excited just to see it. In order to do that, you need to make sure you put healthy but also tasty foods in it.

Some children do not see the importance of eating during breaks at school and if the parents or teachers aren’t behind them, they will simply go out and play with their friends. Therefore, healthy snacks and lunches are important to keep the children active at school. It will help them concentrate and learn better for the rest of the day.

Your child’s lunchbox should be easy to prepare, tasty and ready to eat and must be appetizing. Some foods can be prepared the night before and kept overnight in the fridge. This will save you some time in the morning.


What’s the perfect lunch box?

A perfect lunchbox includes fresh fruits, crunchy vegetables, meat or proteins (i.e slices of meat, hardboiled egg, peanut butter), dairy (i.e cheese sticks, yogurt, milk) and a piece of bread or crackers. You can always add a piece of cake or a cereal bar.

Avoid any sweet drinks. Water and milk are best for children.

Be Creative and Different
Many children bring their lunch box back home almost full. You can avoid that by doing these following things:
– Letting them choose their favorite lunch box
– Packing every day something else so it dosen’t get boring
– Be creative, make some shapes, write a little word
– Making sure it is easy to eat and avoid sticky foods