Pegan Diet is the Biggest Food Trend For 2019

The Pegan diet is one of the latest trends, which takes parts of both the vegan and paleo types of diet. The benefit of pegan is that it actually stimulates people to take the best bits from these two diets, meaning eating more whole foods. They should always be fresh and quality. You’ll see that the word organic is commonly used in association with this diet.

What to Eat?

While on the pegan diet, your meals should consist of mostly organic plants. The basics include loads of fruits and vegetables, organic if possible. As an addition to plants, you will also include bits of protein that comes from animal products, nuts, and seeds.

This means that you should definitely stay away from dairy. Instead opt for high-quality protein that is derived from animals. When it comes to dairy, the best options are goat and sheep products.

Does it Actually Work?

The pegan diet is great for people who don’t want to go completely vegan or completely paleo. Pegan gives you the chance to still include some meat and dairy products while eating super-healthy for 75% of the time. It can also help you transition to a much better way of eating step by step.