This Specific Smoothie Will Help You Burn Fat And Boost Your Metabolism

Image via 500px/Instagram

Today, the majority of the population is working out. Some do it to burn fat and lose weight, others do it for building up muscles, and others might do it for their pleasure and see it as a way of taking the stress away. You have different kinds of workouts and there is nothing right or wrong. You should do whatever makes you feel good in your skin. For one it could be running or cardio and for the other, it could be pilates or yoga.

The only common point between different types of workouts is the necessity of healthy eating.  

If you want to have a combination of healthy fats, complex carbs, minerals and vitamins, all at once, you should try this incredible Fat Burning Smoothie. It is easy to make and only requires the ingredients and a blender.

* 2 cups spinach
* 1/4 cup fresh mint leaves
* 2 stalks celery, chopped
* 1 cup brewed green tea (cold)
* 2 cups pineapple chunks (can be frozen as well)
* 1/2 large avocado

1. Place the spinach, mint, celery and green tea into the blender. Blend until smooth.
2. Add the remaining ingredients. Blend again.