The Best Peanut Butter Breakfast Smoothie

Everyone loves smoothies because they are tasty and filling. They come in so many different flavors and do not take any time or expertise to prepare. Smoothies are not only good for your body; they are also delicious. They are usually created from blended vegetables and raw fruit, but you can also get creative and concoct a special flavor that appeals to your unique taste and lifestyle.

If you don’t like certain fruits, you can make them into a smoothie and blend them with fruits that you love. This way, you will get the nourishment you require and enjoy the fruit. You can experiment with chia seeds, coconut water, and cacao.

This peanut butter smoothie is ideal for breakfast and can energize you all morning. Just follow this recipe.


  • 1 banana, chopped
  • 1 cup of fresh unsweetened cow milk or coconut milk
  • ½ cup of frozen mango pieces
  • 6 ice cubes
  • 2 tablespoons of KRAFT Natural Peanut Butter


  1. In a blender, combine all your ingredients as listed above and process until they become frothy and smooth.
  2. You can decorate with additional fruit such as strawberries if you desire.
  3. Your smoothie is ready to be served. Take it immediately.