The Two Types of Butter You Need in Your Kitchen

Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

A well-stocked kitchen is essential for staying sane on busy days when you just want to whip up a quick meal, and a well-stocked kitchen needs two types of butter – one for cooking and another one for snacking.

Cooking butter is used for various dishes and baked goods and it doesn’t have to be super fancy. In fact, the cheaper the better. Buy a big batch of generic butter that you’ll keep in the freezer and only keep a small amount in the fridge – even famous baker Stella Parks agrees, according to her Twitter. You can go with salted or unsalted as this is a matter of personal preference, although if you want to pick just one unsalted is the way to go.

Besides this cheap, generic butter, you also need a good-quality butter that you’ll use for snacking. Ideally, you will store it in a butter dish outside of the fridge so it stays soft. When not kept in the fridge, butter can last for several days so make sure you don’t put too much at once. A good choice is an Irish butter or any other butter with a higher fat content that comes from organic cow milk.