These are Americans’ Top Food Choices on July 4th

Up there with Christmas and Thanksgiving, 4th of July affords a wonderful opportunity to gather with friends and family and enjoy some delicious dishes.

As Independence Day falls in the middle of summer, the holiday is usually celebrated with barbecues and cocktails while watching the annual fireworks displays.

A study conducted by food delivery service, DoorDash, has revealed Americans’ top treats to pig out on July 4th, and the results are as quintessential as the red Solo cup.


Ask almost any US citizen and they’ll tell you that a burger ain’t really complete unless it’s dripping with melted cheese. Many also feel that bacon makes it even better.

French Fries

Despite the European country in the name, French fries are typically American. Whether you prefer them thick or thin, straight or crinkle-cut, fewer things are better than a good fry.

Hot Dogs

Often associated with baseball games, hot dogs are undeniably one of America’s favorite foods. Go classic with ketchup and mustard, or mix it up by adding relish, fried onions, and even melted cheese.