These Vegan Egg Rolls are Easy, Delicious, and Gluten-Free!

Egg rolls are such a yummy treat to get for a takeaway, but they’re not usually the healthiest things.

But if you make them at home, you can load them with veggies and oven bake them instead of frying! They make for amazing appetizers or even a main course if you make enough, so try them tonight!


For the filling, you can use either cooked or raw vegetables. Some good options are carrots, cabbage, sweet potatoes, or anything you have in your pantry!

Whether you cook it or not, make sure to toss it in some soy sauce or tamari before you put it into the egg rolls.


  1. Fill up a cup of water so you can constantly replenish your plate.
  2. Pour a little water onto a plate and take a rice paper sheet and wet it so you can manipulate it.
  3. Take the filling and put a little in the middle towards the top of the sheet.
  4. Fold it like a burrito, the sides in first, and then the top over the filling and roll it up as tightly as you can.
  5. Place the rolls on a baking sheet and once you’re done, drizzle over some oil and bake it at 350 F until they turn golden brown.