This Carrot Ginger Soup Couldn’t Be Quicker to Put Together

When you have an immersion blender, any soup is possible. But this carrot ginger soup takes the cake. There is so little prep involved, and you actually only need 4 ingredients to bring it together. If you need a go-to lunch recipe or something you can whip up for dinner in 20 minutes, this soup is for you.


This soup only needs carrots, onions, garlic, and ginger. You can either boil everything in water or stock, whatever you have time to do. In terms of spices, you really can just use salt and pepper, but if you want something more exciting, add in cumin or curry powder.


  1. Roughly chop onions and saute them in oil for a few minutes until they start to become translucent.
  2. Dice garlic and ginger and add that into the pot as well.
  3. Slice up carrots any size you want, however, if you want them to cook faster, cut them thin and small.
  4. Add the carrots to the pot for just a few minutes to get them cooking and then cover everything in about 1-2 inches of liquid and bring to a boil.
  5. Once the carrots are fork-tender, blend it all with an immersion blender and serve!