This Easy Pizza Dough Recipe Uses Only Three Ingredients

Photo by Thomas Tucker on Unsplash

Pizza: Everybody loves it, but it can get expensive calling for takeaway every time you get a craving. Not to mention that cooking at home can be tough, too—it takes practice to craft a consistently perfect pizza crust. Is there any hope left?

The Good News!

So the good news is that you don’t have to go through this vicious cycle anymore. We’ve got the perfect recipe to make an awesome pizza crust, without a huge list of ingredients and without having to go through a long list of steps.

No waiting for the dough to rise, and very little kneading, too. You just need three basic ingredients, some toppings, and friends to share your pizza with.

The Ingredients

Photo by Vita Marija on Unsplash

Our three basic ingredients are a cup of Greek yogurt. That’s ordinary Greek yogurt, no added flavors—and please, not a low-calorie version. 2% should be about perfect, in fact. This is the only dairy item we’re going to use and it’s the source of the fat to get the crust to the right texture, so don’t try and get around this. (Pizza’s not diet food, anyway.)

One and a half cups of all-purpose flour. Whatever you do, make sure you use the right flour. If you pick the wrong stuff, you’re going to find that it doesn’t rise properly and instead of a decent pizza crust, you’ve got a biscuit instead.

One and a half teaspoons of baking powder. This is the key ingredient to get the dough to rise.

And that’s all you need for the perfect pizza crust—but we have one more optional ingredient. That’s a quarter to a half a cup of cornmeal. You use this on the pan you cook the pizza in to give a better texture to the finished product, but it is purely optional.

The Preparation

This bit is really easy. We promised no fuss and that’s what you’ve got. Before you start getting things ready, switch the stove on to 450 degrees and let it start warming through.

Then sprinkle a pan with cornmeal (if you’re using it). Take the yogurt, flour, and baking powder and pop them into a bowl and mix thoroughly. Then gently knead it on a floured surface for about 10 minutes.

Leave the dough to rest for 5 minutes before you shape it into the ideal pizza.

Photo by Victor Rodríguez Iglesias on Unsplash

Put the pizza dough on a pan and brush it with olive oil which will ensure the finish.

Then the fun bit: Cover in sauce (optional) or garlic butter (also optional) and add as many toppings as you want. It’s traditional to put down the cheese last, but you can always go with two layers: cheese, then other toppings and then cheese again if you really love the stringy cheese taste.

Then, it’s time to put it in the oven for 10–12 minutes to cook. Once it’s done, slice and eat—everyone’s favorite part!

Photo by Thomas Tucker on Unsplash