Waste Less Food By Keeping These Items in the Freezer

If you don’t already have a freezer at home, consider investing in one. Having a freezer will help you save money on food and reduce food waste in several ways. You can use it to store ingredients you buy cheaply in bulk or in season, or you can prepare meals and portion them for the freezer to have ready any time you want. Here are three surprising foods you can store in the freezer.


It’s pretty easy to store garlic in the freezer and you can do it however it’s the most convenient for you. You can freeze whole bulbs, cloves, or chopped garlic packed in plastic bags.


Apples freeze well, but we don’t typically think about storing them in the freezer. It’s easy to store them whole or sliced, depending on what you plan to do with them later.


You can freeze the leftover egg yolks or whites after baking so you can use them later. A small container such as an ice cube tray is perfect for this.