Have you ever walked into your local coffee shop and immediately been overwhelmed by all of the choices on the drink menu?

While it might be challenging at first, don’t stress! Here’s a guide to help you understand what the main coffee and milk-based drinks are and what to choose from your local barista.

Cafe au Lait

This drink, also known as “cafe con leche,” is a simple European classic that simply consists of a ratio of half espresso and half hot milk. This drink is simple and isn’t foamy.

Cafe Cortado

The cortado, a popular drink in Spain and in Latin America, is similar to the previous drink but contains about half of the milk. Want a strong, hot beverage? This one might be for you.

Cafe Latte

A latte is a milk-heavy beverage that combines about 1.5 parts of milk with 1 part espresso. It’s typically topped with a thin amount of foam. A flat white is simply a version with less milk.


A cappuccino, from Italy in its origins, is for fans of lattes that are looking for just a little bit more foam in their drink. It contains more milk than coffee and has a generous layer of foam.


An americano is the only drink on this list that doesn’t have milk. Instead, it contains water that lessens the intensity of the espresso and makes it more similar to drip coffee.