3 Tips for Picking Thanksgiving Turkey of Perfect Size

Thanksgiving turkey
Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

Thanksgiving dinner wouldn’t be the same without the delicious roasted turkey and finding the right one can be quite an adventure. Size is the first factor you’ll use to determine if the turkey that you’re buying is the right fit, and these three useful tips will help you make the best choice.

Number of Guests

The size of the bird you’re buying depends on the number of guests that you’re going to host. One to two pounds of turkey per person should do just fine, and you should keep this in mind when trying to determine how much meat you need for your family dinner.

Big or Small

Big turkeys may look better on paper, but smaller ones come with a long list of advantages. They’re usually naturally grown because the bigger ones tend to be pumped with chemicals, and they also tend to cook much faster and more consistently than bigger ones. If one isn’t enough for your whole family, buying two is also an option.

Right Fit

Another advantage of smaller birds is that you’ll have a much easier time fitting them inside your oven. Bigger turkeys may not always fit inside and you’ll have to cut them into smaller pieces before roasting them. You’ll also struggle to find a roasting pan that’s big enough to fit an entire turkey.