3 Ways to Stop Crêpes From Sticking to Your Pan

Stop Crêpes From Sticking to Your Pan
Photo by Todd Cravens on Unsplash

Making crêpes is a fun adventure, but it can turn into a total nightmare if they end up sticking to your pan. This is one of the most common mistakes we’ve all faced when making this classic French dessert, but you can easily avoid this problem with these three quick fixes.

Pan Choice

You’ll struggle to make your crêpes perfectly delicious if you’re not using the right type of pan when making them. Special crêpes pans are a perfect pick for people who make this sweet treat on a regular basis, but any non-stick pan with a flat, heavy bottom will do the trick.

Proper Seasoning

Even if you pick the right type of pan, you can still ruin your crêpes by failing to season it properly. There are several seasoning options to choose from, but butter happens to be your best bet because it will give your crêpes a richer flavor if you use the right amount.

Right Temperature

It’s also crucial to set your temperature right when making crêpes, and following the recipe won’t always be enough because not all stoves are created equal. Your crêpes will stick to your pan if the temperature isn’t high enough, but they’ll burn and cook unevenly if it’s too high, so take some time to figure this step out.