5 Most Common Pasta Mistakes You’re Making

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Everyone loves pasta! But do we all know what we’re actually doing when cooking it? Probably not. A lot of us make common pasta-mistakes, and the worst thing is we’re not even aware of it. Check them out below, so that your next meal tastes better than ever.

You Forget About Salt

The water you use to boil the pasta in should be salted. We’re not saying super-salty, but a pinch or two. This will prevent the pasta to get all slimy and it will taste much more delicious.

Don’t Add Sauce On Top

This is the most common way people ruin their experience with pasta. Pouring the sauce on top is completely wrong. Instead, you should add the pasta to a pan of already prepared sauce. It’s not that hard, isn’t it?

Don’t Rinse it

This one gives us cringes. One of the worst pasta mistakes is rinsing it after it’s already cooked. You literally remove important ingredients from the surface.


Stir it Often

Who likes eating chunks of pasta? No one! To avoid that make sure that you stir yours often.

Don’t Add Oil to the Water

Do not add any oil to the water. It will only make it harder for the pasta to mix well with the sauce.