Are You Cutting Your Avocados the Right Way?

Image by Juraj Varga from Pixabay

Avocados are one of the most popular foods around the world right now. They’re incredibly versatile, working for foods as varied as nachos to your morning slice of toast (especially if you’re a millennial!).

Avocado veterans and newcomers alike can sometimes be flummoxed, nonetheless, by the strange shape and giant seed in the middle of this fruit. How should I cut this thing, anyway?

Fear not. Here’s a guide on how to cut your avocados in the easiest way possible.

1. Make a Vertical Cut Around

Start off by taking a sharp knife and cutting a slice vertically around the entire avocado in order to separate it into two pieces. You should now see an exposed seed and fruit.

2. Stick Your Knife into the Seed

Go ahead, don’t be shy! Take the sharp side of your knife and dive it into the woody seed until it sticks with a thud.

3. Remove the Seed

Now, twist your knife inside of the seed and pull out. The tricky avocado seed will come right out, and you can now discard of it!

4. Make Slices Inside of the Peel

Finally, it’s important to know that it’s way easier to cut an avocado inside of its peel than it is to peel first. Cut your desired slices or chunks and then scoop out with a spoon. It’s that simple!