Food Trends

Chopsticks are a Must in These Countries

Chopsticks are a must for eating in many East Asian countries. Instead of using traditional western dining instruments like forks and knives, chopsticks are the utensils used for the consumption of virtually all foods. Check out...

What is Injera?

Ethiopia is a rising star of the international food scene. A trending sight in many cities is the opening of Ethiopian restaurants, as more and more diners come to love and appreciate the uniqueness and...

Check Out Poland’s Favorite Sausages

If there is a country on Earth that can consider itself to be the world capital of sausages, it might just be Poland. This land, sandwiched between Central and Eastern Europe, is undoubtedly full of...

3 Food Capitals of the World

If you’re an avid traveler, you probably know how important it is that your next destination has quality culinary culture. However, you may not be aware of the world’s major food capitals—the go-to cities that...

The Battle of the Carolina BBQ Sauces

The states of North and South Carolina are home to one of the best barbeque scenes in the country. The people of this region possess two unique barbeque sauces that differ significantly from the tomato...

This Pasta Chef Turns Noodles Into Beautiful Art

Many famous chefs and food critics insist that presentation is key when making a successful meal. Linda Miller Nicholson, known as saltyseattle on Instagram, has taken this term to the next level by turning her...

Asian Hot Sauces Any Kitchen Must Have

When you think of hot and spicy cuisine, what part of the world comes to mind? While Mexico might be the first place that pops into your mind, the real heat can be found in...

3 Flavored Ketchups You’ll Love

Flavored ketchup is all the rage these days. Many people have moved on from the boring days of regular ketchup and have started to put their own twist on this classic, beloved condiment.  Have you been...

Laghman is One of Central Asia’s Most Delicious Dishes

The region of Central Asia, containing countries such as Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, is one of the true culinary unknowns of the world. Despite a rich food diversity and history, many people simply don’t know much...

Mexican Barbacoa Tacos are So Delicious

Who doesn't love tacos? Barbacoa tacos are made with beef and are so tasty! The total cooking time takes 4 hours, but the prep time is only 40 minutes and they're totally worth it! Ingredients: 6 1-lb...

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