Create your own American flag cheese board

Image by justin.eats/Instagram

Amaze your friends with this creative American flag cheese and meat board. It’s a very festive way to celebrate this 4th of July. Serve with crackers and a selection of fresh breads.

You will need:

  • Rectangular wooden cutting board
  • 1 bag blue potato chips
  • White cheddar, in ½-inch slices
  • Monterey Jack, in ½-inch slices
  • Pepperoni/salami slices

To assemble:

  1. Orientate the board horizontally, so that one of the longer edges is at the bottom.
  2. Choose the flattest of the blue chips to make a square in the upper left-hand corner of the board. Punch out stars from the white cheddar slices with a small star-shaped cookie cutter.
  3. Place the stars on top of the blue potato chips. Keep the leftover cheese scraps for other dishes or sandwiches.
  4. For the stripes, line up squares or rectangles of Monterey Jack cheese along the base of the board. This forms the white of the stripe. Above that, lay out a row of pepperoni or salami slices as the red row, making sure to overlap the slices slightly to cover the board. Continue creating the pattern right up to the top so that you have created the red and white stripes.