Easy Ways To Upgrade Your Roasted Garlic Bread

Garlic bread
Photo by Waldemar on Unsplash

Garlic bread is the ultimate comfort food sidekick that goes with almost everything. But even classics can use a little jazzing up now and then. Here are a few ideas that will only take a few minutes of extra prep but will take your garlic bread to a whole new level.

Infuse Your Butter

Infuse the butter with herbs such as rosemary, thyme, or oregano for a deeper flavor profile. Simply melt your butter and add finely chopped herbs, allowing them to steep for a few minutes.

Add Cheese

Sprinkle grated Parmesan, mozzarella, or a blend of your favorite cheeses over the buttered bread before baking. The cheese melts into a beautiful, golden layer of deliciousness that adds texture and a savory depth to every bite.

Use Artisan Bread

Switch out the standard baguette or Italian loaf for something with more character, such as sourdough, ciabatta, or focaccia. These breads will bring new flavors and textures to your garlic bread.

Add a Drizzle

After baking, finish your garlic bread with a drizzle of high-quality olive oil, balsamic glaze, or even truffle oil for an added touch of luxury. This not only adds flavor but also gives your garlic bread a more appealing presentation.