Fast Ways to Ripen Bananas at Home

We all love using overripe bananas in healthy recipes in stead of sugar. But the thing is that you can’t always find them in supermarkets, so you have to wait. There are some very smart and fast ways to ripen bananas at home, and we’re here to bring them to you.

Use a Paper Bag

If you can’t wait for days you can simply use a paper bag. Place the bananas in and close the bag. This is one of the most efficient ways to ripen bananas and it only takes up to one day. Ethylene is the gas that will appear in the bag and will speed up the process. The best thing is that everyone has a bag at home and you don’t even have to check up on the bananas.

The Microwave Method

Another super-efficient trick to ripen bananas, especially if you don’t have too much time on your hands. Place the bananas in the microwave for half a minute up to two minutes.

In the Oven

This one might sound strange, but it definitely works. Use a temperature of around 300 F degrees and ten minutes up to half an hour. Make sure to check them once or twice.